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CACSM researchers attend the IGS symposium on sea ice

Time:2019-08-26 17:01:32


CACSM researchers attend the IGS symposium on sea ice


Prof. ZHOU Chunxia, Dr. ZHANG Shangkai, Dr. LIU Tingting, Dr. ZHAO Xi, Dr. XIAO Feng and PhD student QU Meng from CACSM attended the international symposium on sea ice from August 17 to 26. The symposium was held by the International Glacial Society (IGS) and University of Manitoba. More than 350 scholars attended the symposium. Hot-button topics including sea ice thickness, sea ice model, and microwave remote sensing of sea ice were discussed during the symposium.

CACSM researchers presented 2 orals and 3 posters entitled “Accuracy assessment of sea ice concentration derived from newly released FY3D-MWRI”,“Estimation of turbulent heat flux over leads using satellite thermal images”,“A new method to estimate Arctic sea-ice thickness from CryoSat-2 based on least squares”,“Will sea-ice leads in the Beaufort Sea increase as ice becomes thinner?”,“Surface-albedo change trends over the Antarctic sea-ice region during 1982–2015”, and exchanged thoughts and ideas with other attendees in the meeting.

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