The 4th APECS International Online Conference was held on 16th of May 2018. 22 early career researchers presented over 4 sessions than ran over 17 hours to accommodate time zones across the world. This year’s theme was: “Butterfly Effect: Small Changes, Big Impact!.”.
APECS congratulates the three prize winners, all of whom have won funds towards future conference travel:
A very big thank you to our keynote speakers: Nicole Biebow (AWI) and Veronica Willmott (AWI) - Session 1, Margareta Johansson (Lund University) and Sarah Baatout (SCK•CEN) - Session 2, James Overland (NOAA/PMEL) - Session 3.
We are also grateful to all the presenters and volunteers who made the conference possible.
For links to the conference recordings, and to view all abstracts of the 2018 Online Conference on the APECS website.