在2019年7月9-17日于蒙特利尔召开的国际大地测量与地球物理学联合会上(IUGG,The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)第27届大会上,中国极地青年科学家协会(APECS China,China Association of Polar Early Career Scientists)主席、中国气象科学研究院青藏高原与极地气象科学研究所丁明虎副研究员当选为国际冰冻圈科学协会(IACS,International Association of Cryospheric Science)副主席,任期2019-2023年。
2019年5月25—26日,由中国极地青年科学家协会(APECS China)主办,中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院极地环境与全球变化安徽省重点实验室承办的“第二届中国极地青年论坛”在中科大东区活动中心五楼国际学术报告厅顺利举办。
During April 10th to 12th , 2018, the first symposium on polar cryospheric sciences for early career scientists in China was held in the State Key Laboratory of the Cryospheric Science (SKLCS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Lanzhou, China.
8月1日,中国极地青年科学家协会(APECS China)正式成立,并在甘肃敦煌召开第一届理事会议。会议讨论、修改了协会章程,并确定了未来工作计划。
China Association of Polar Early Career Scientists ( APECS China) was established on August 1, 2018, the first council meeting was held in Dunhuang, Gansu Province.
APECS in collaboration with the Marine Ecosystem of the Southern Ocean (MEASO) and the IDEAL research center of Chile held a panel in Hobart Australia on April 8th.
Over 150 early career researchers recently show-cased their reserach as part of the poster competition held during the POLAR2018 conference (Davos, Switzerland, 15-26 June).
APECS is very pleased to announce our 2018 APECS International Mentorship Award recipients - Dr. Aleks Terauds and Dr. José Xavier! The mentorship awards were established in 2016 as a meaningful way to recognize the efforts of those mentors within the international polar science community, and to honor those who have devoted significant time and energy towards building a supportive community for early career professionals.