郝卫峰 ( 副教授/副研究员 硕士生导师 )



2008年9月-2012年6月 在武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室取得工学博士学位

2012年7月-至今 在武汉大学中国南极测绘研究中心先后任博士后、讲师、副教授等职

2015年5月 中国北极黄河站科学考察

2016年11月-2017年4月 中国第33次南极科学考察


[1]郝卫峰, 杨伊迪, 刘培冲, 高晟俊, 程青. GRACE和GRACE-FO缺失数据重建研究进展[J/OL].地球物理学进展: 1-16 [2024-03-25]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2982.P.20240315.1521.042.html.
[2]Zheng Yingjun, Hao Weifeng*, Ye Mao, Zhang Wensong, Chen Yihao, Barriot Jean-Pierre, Li Fei. Correcting flawed orbits with significant along-track offset in LOLA data to remove apparent noise in DEM[J]. Journal of Geodesy, 2024, 98, 20.
[3]Zheng Yingjun, Hao Weifeng*, Ye Mao, Chen Yihao, Zhang Wensong, Li Fei. Construction of a high-quality digital elevation model of the Amundsen crater and landing area selection for future lunar missions[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, 17, 1575-1583.
[4]胡安洵, 郝卫峰*, 马超, 樊羿, 高晟俊, 程青, 李斐.大高加索山脉冰川反照率时空分布及与物质平衡的关系[J].地球物理学报,2024, 67(4): 1314-1329.
[5]Zhang Fengqi, Hao Weifeng, Ye Mao, Tu Zhigang, Li Fei. Automatic Change Detection of Planetary Striped Landform on Mars Surface[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, 17, 5884-5898.
[6]Zhang Wensong, Deng Qingyun, Ye Mao, Hao Weifeng, Chen Yihao, Zheng Yingjun, Zhong Zhen, Yan Jianguo, Sun Xuemei, Li Fei. The Ancient Lithospheric Parameters of Impact Basins on the Far Side of the Moon Based on the Mantle and Mare Basalt Load Model[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 2024, 129(3): e2023JE008006.
[7]肖驰, 叶茂, 李斐, 鄢建国, Yuji Harada, 郝卫峰, 邓青云. 月幔底部黏弹性结构研究现状[J]. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2024, 54(3): 239601.
[8]Gao Shengjun, Hao Weifeng*, Fan Yi, Li Fei, Wang Jing. A multi-source GRACE fusion solution via uncertainty quantification of GRACE-Derived terrestrial water storage (tws) change[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2023,128(11): e2023JB026908.
[9]Cheng Qing, Hao Weifeng*, Ma Chao, Ye Fan, Luo Jie, Qu Ying. Daily arctic sea-ice albedo retrieval with a multiband reflectance iteration algorithm[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61, 4302712.
[10]Fan Yi, Hao Weifeng*, Ma Chao, Gao Shengjun, Li Fei. Identification and Activity of Subglacial Lakes Beneath the Mercer and Whillans Ice Streams and Slessor Glacier[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61, 10359-10368.
[11]Ye Fan, Cheng Qing, Hao Weifeng, Yu Dayu, Ma Chao, Shen Huanfeng. Reconstructing daily snow and ice albedo series for Greenland by coupling spatiotemporal and physics-informed models[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2023, 124, 103519.
[12]Zhang Wensong, Hao Weifeng, Zheng Chong, Ye Mao, Yan Jianguo, Li Fei. An improved altimeter-derived gravity anomaly from shipborne gravity based on the mean sea surface height constraint factors method[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2023, 71(6): 2909-2923.
[13]Zhao Aiguo,An Lu,Zhang Yinsheng,Wang Hansheng,Li Fei,Feng Tiantian,Hao Tong,Hao Weifeng,He Yan,et al. The global change and response special project: using remote sensing data to monitor and invert key components in the cryosphere[J]. All Earth, 2023, 35(1): 168-182.
[14]沈骁, 郝卫峰*, 叶茂, 龚力, 樊羿, 李斐.月球南极地区LOLA数据分析与评价[J]. 测绘地理信息,2023, 48(6): 73-77.
[15]Fan Yi, Hao Weifeng*, Zhang Baojun, Ma Chao, Gao Shengjun, Shen Xiao, Li Fei. Monitoring the Hydrological Activities of Antarctic Subglacial Lakes Using CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 Altimetry Data[J]. Remote Sensing,2022,14(4): 898.
[16]周磊, 杨元德, 郝卫峰*, 李斐, 晏鹏. 南极威德尔海沉积盆地重力异常特征[J]. 地球物理学报,2022,65(5): 1732-1741.
[17]马超, 郝卫峰*, 程青, 罗杰, 李斐. 格陵兰地区GLASS反照率产品质量评价及反照率变化趋势分析[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2022, 47(11): 1917-1926.
[18]邓青云, 郝卫峰, 叶茂, 郑翀, 肖驰, 鄢建国, Jean-Pierre Barriot, 李斐. 月球重力场对月球内部结构研究的作用[J]. 地球与行星物理论评, 2022, 53(03): 359-369.
[19]郝卫峰,叶茂,鄢建国,李斐. 月球和地球正常重力特征差异及成因探讨[J].地球物理学报,2021,64(7): 2417-2425.
[20]张利明, 李斐, 郝卫峰*, 柯宝贵, 章传银. 利用GNSS/重力法确定南极中山站高程基准的垂直偏差[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2021, 46(04): 497-502.
[21]Xiao Chi, Li Fei, Yan Jianguo, Gregoire Michel, Hao Weifeng, Harada Yuji, Ye Mao, Barriot Jean-Pierre. Possible Deep Structure and Composition of Venus with Respect to the Current Knowledge from Geodetic Data[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2021,126(7): e2019JE006243.
[22]Yan Peng, Li Zhiwei, Li Fei, Yang Yuande, Hao Weifeng. Antarctic ice-sheet structures retrieved from P-wave coda autocorrelation method and comparisons with two other single-station passive seismic methods[J]. Journal of Glaciology, 2020, 66(255): 153-165.
[23]Xiao Chi,Li Fei,Yan Jianguo,Hao Weifeng,Harada Yuji,Ye Mao,Barriot Jean-Pierre. Inversion of Venus internal structure based on geodetic data[J]. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 20(8): 127.
[24]Hao Weifeng, Zhu Chang, Li Fei, Yan Jinguo,Ye Mao,Barriot Jean-Pierre. Illumination and communication conditions at the Mons Rumker region based on the improved Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter data[J]. Planetary and space science, 2019, 168: 73-82.
[25]Ji Fei, Li Fei, Gao Jinyao, Zhang Qiao, Hao Weifeng. 3-D density structure of the Ross Sea basins, West Antarctica from constrained gravity inversion and their tectonic implications[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2018, 215(2): 1241-1256.
[26]郝卫峰,李斐,肖驰,鄢建国, 叶茂. 月震和遥感技术的发展对月球内部结构认识的深化[J]. 中国科学·地球科学, 2018, 48(8): 967-979.
[27]Hao Weifeng,Li Fei,Xiao Chi,Yan Jianguo,Ye Mao. Understanding the Moon’s internal structure through moonquake observations and remote sensing technologies [J]. Science China Earth Science, 2018, 61(8): 995-1006 .
[28]高晟俊, 郝卫峰*, 李斐, 郭井学, 崔祥斌. 极地航空重力测量及其应用进展[J]. 2018, 30(1): 97-113.
[29]田山川, 郝卫峰*, 李斐, 罗天文. 顾及陆湖反射差异的卫星测高监测湖泊水位的波形分析与重定[J]. 测绘学报, 2018, 47(4): 498-507.
[30]Li Fei, Zhu Chang, Hao Weifeng*, Yan Jianguo, Ye Mao, Barriot Jean-Pierre, Cheng Qing, Sun Tao. An Improved Digital Elevation Model of the Lunar Mons Rümker Region Based on Multisource Altimeter Data[J]. Remote Sensing. 2018, 10, 1442.
[31]Yan Peng, Li Zhiwei, Li Fei, Yang Yuande, Hao Weifeng, Bao Feng. Antarctic ice sheet thickness estimation using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio method with single-station seismic ambient noise[J]. The Cryosphere, 2018,12, 795-810.
[32]Yan Jianguo, Yang Xuan, Hao Weifeng*, Qu Chuankai, Deng Qingyun, Jin Weitong, Barriot Jean-Pierre. A new tracking mode for improved Martian gravity field measurement[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2017, 362(12): 236.
[33]Li Fei, Hao Weifeng*, Yan Jianguo, Shao Xianyuan, Ye Mao, Xiao Chi. The advancement of lunar gravity model due to the development of space tracking techniques[J]. Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2017, 60(5): 493-504.
[34]Zhan Wei, Li Fei, Hao Weifeng, Yan Jianguo. Regional characteristics and influencing factors of seasonal vertical crustal motions in Yunnan, China[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2017, 201: 1295-1304.
[35]樊羿, 郝卫峰, 李斐, 田山川,高晟俊. 基于多源空间测量技术的南极冰下湖研究进展[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2017, 32(3): 939-945.
[36]王星星, 李斐, 郝卫峰*, 张胜凯, 杨元德. GRACE RL05反演南极冰盖质量变化方法比较[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2016, 41(11): 1450-1457.
[37]李斐, 郝卫峰, 鄢建国, 邵先远,叶茂,肖驰. 空间跟踪技术的发展对月球重力场模型的改进[J]. 地球物理学报, 2016, 59(4): 1249-1259.
[38]王柏恒, 郝卫峰, 何希纯. 总体最小二乘在GPS高程转换中的适用性分析[J]. 测绘与空间地理信息, 2016, 39(3): 105-109.
[39]郝卫峰, 叶茂, 李斐, 张胜凯, 朱婷婷. 南极长城站建立深空测控站的可行性[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2015, 40(10): 1360-1365.
[40]郝卫峰, 李斐, 鄢建国, 张杰, 苏晓莉. 基于“嫦娥一号”激光测高数据的月球极区光照条件研究[J]. 地球物理学报, 2012, 55(1): 46-52.
[41]郝卫峰, 叶茂, 李斐, 鄢建国, 邵先远. 基于嫦娥一号卫星获取的DEM研究月球车通信的可达性[J]. 宇航学报, 2012, 33(10): 1453-1459.
[42]郝卫峰, 李斐, 叶茂, 张杰. 南极长城站建立深空跟踪站对月球车地-月通信条件的改善[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2012, 37(11): 1364-1368.
[43]李斐, 郝卫峰, 王文睿, 张杰. 非线性病态问题解算的扰动分析[J]. 测绘学报, 2011, 40(1): 5-9.
[44]束蝉方, 李斐, 郝卫峰. EGM2008模型在中国某地区的检核及适用性分析[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2011, 36(08): 919-922.
[45]束蝉方, 李斐, 郝卫峰. 利用等效点质量进行(似)大地水准面拟合[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2011, 36(2): 231-234.
[46]郝卫峰, 李斐, 鄢建国. 基于新近数据的月球地形、重力场及内部构造研究进展[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2010, 25(6):1926-1934.


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